ai sound story and song
ai reading
ai/ay sound song
“Ai” story

Listen to the story here.
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Ainsley has been having trouble with his hearing. Whenever his mother speaks to him, he puts his hand to his ear and says, “ai?” His mother tells him, “You should say ‘pardon’, not ‘ai’.” After a while, his mother takes him to the doctor to have his hearing checked. In the waiting room is a box of toys. Ainsley plays with a whale and a sailing boat and a train. As he is pushing the train around the room, Dr Ail comes out and calls his name. Dr Ail looks in Ainsley’s ears. “You have a lot of wax in your ears. That’s why you’re having trouble with your hearing.” She gives him some eardrops. “Not another ‘ai’ now, Ainsley,” says his mother.
Now you can listen to the song and sing!