Category Archives: 1st & 2nd Bach & 3rd-4th ESO activities to work with

Several possibilities of working with different levels

Harrods (Fuck off on the lights)

Leave your commentaries about this picture and send any other pictures or news you find interesting from the internet to be commented by your partners. You can read a bit more about this picture in the following lines. *‘Fuck off … Continue reading

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Kid speaking English in the 24 different accents

Many people are stunned by this guy’s ability to put on different accents from all over the world while speaking the English language. The accents range from posh British to Chinese and are not meant to mock any cultures. The … Continue reading

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Complaints Chorus (Birmingham and others cities)

Try to read the curious lyrics of the songs as an example of what you will do later on: to work in groups and create your own lyrics in English for a future song. THE COMPLAINTS CHOIR OF BIRMINGHAM In … Continue reading

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Two versions of Luka

Suzanne Vega (English version) Luís Tosar (Spanish version)

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Sweet Dreams… (By Eurithmics and Marilyn Manson)

[kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /][kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /][kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /][kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /]After watching these two versions of the famous song Sweet Dreams and reading the lyrics, I hope all of you … Continue reading

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See the four first minutes of the following video. It is a video about Gaza’s war. After watching it, only if you wish, try to find more information about Gaza’s war in the wikipedia (see the link below). Read and listen … Continue reading

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The clock on the wall

The Clock on the Wall / My city collapsed The clock was still on the wall Our neighbourhood collapsed The clock was still on the wall The street collapsed The clock was still on the wall The square collapsed The … Continue reading

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