2.Emigration – Inmigration

The Golden Dream

The Golden Dream (Spanish: La jaula de oro) is a 2013 Mexican drama film directed by Spanish director Diego Quemada-Díez.
Like the 1987 film, and the song, the plot concerns immigration to the United States. However unlike the plot concerning a successful and now middle aged Mexican immigrant of the earlier film, the plot of this film concerns younger illegal immigrants, Juan, Sara and Samuel, three Guatemalan adolescents who fall into the hands of human traffickers.
Hermanos en el camino
La jaula de orohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DU6AT-Y8SQ
Documental: El tren de la memoria-The Memory Train
Dirección: Marta Arribas, Ana Pérez Duración: 85 min.
Género: Documental
Josefina’s personal journey back to Nuremberg, Germany, where she arrived as an immigrant from Spain being only 18, along with other 2 million Spaniards who left to Europe in order to find a future.

THE VISITOR by Thomas McCarthy
After watching the film, read the following questions and work in class with your partners to talk about them.

1.- Find out the meaning of the following legal terms:
asylum, bag and baggage letter, deportation, detention, removal proceeding or deportation proceeding, due process, green card.

2- Which of the characters in the film did you relate to most? Why?

3-Why do you think Walter decides to let Tarek and Zainab stay at his apartment even though he knows nothing about them?

4-In your opinion, who is “the visitor”? In what way is each character “visiting”?

5- What was the most memorable moment in the film? Why?

6-Think of someone in your life who immigrated to your country. Why did they come here? What hardships has s/he faced as an immigrant?

7-What was your impression of the detention center? What did you notice? Is this different from what you expected?

8-What do we as global/American citizens have to gain or lose by providing immigrants and refugees with the right to due process?

9-What are arguments for and against detaining immigrants and refugees in prison-like conditions?

10-Can you think of alternative ways the U.S. government could handle cases like Tarek’s?

11-How do you think Tarek’s deportation will affect each character’s view of the world?

12-Is there any situation in the film you could consider racist?

These questions are taken from “The Visitor” Discussion Guide
Follow the link and learn about this film.

WELCOME – Movie Trailer

14 kilómetros (dvd)

Questions after watching the film:

Los Invisibles (by Garcia Bernal in colaboration with Amnesty International)

ALL i NEED Radiohead
“All I Need”

I’m the next act
Waiting in the wings

I’m an animal
Trapped in your hot car

I am all the days
That you choose to ignore

You are all I need
You are all I need
I’m in the middle of your picture
Lying in the reeds

I’m a moth
Who just wants to share your light

I’m just an insect
Trying to get out of the night

I only stick with you
Because there are no others

You are all I need
You’re all I need
I’m in the middle your picture
Lying in the reeds

It’s all wrong
It’s all right
It’s all wrong

About Miguel Santos de Vega

Profesor de inglés en IES. Navarro Villoslada, Pamplona.
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