This video, following the pursuit of a young gay couple by an angry mob, and referencing the persecution of the LGBT community in Russia, went viral soon after release.
HOZER´S song with English and Spanish subtitles (+ interview in The Guardian)
VOCABULARY related to the article from The Guardian:
“audiences of baffled teenage goths”
= …confundidas desconcertadas quinceañeras
baffle [sb]vtr (confuse, mystify) confundir⇒ vtr
desconcertar⇒ vtr
frustrar⇒ vtr
“I thought Evan really wanted to take the class; it baffles me that he didn’t”
Goth n (follower of Gothic style) gótico nm
“Josh considers himself a Goth and wears dark clothing and eyeliner”.
Goth adj (alternative style: Gothic punk) (música, arte) gótico/a adj
“A teenager dressed in Goth clothing entered the store”.
Goth n historical (ancient Germanic tribe) (pueblo) godos nmpl
green thumb n= figurative (skill at gardening) manos de jardinero nfpl
My mother has a green thumb: everything she touches grows well.
Mi madre tiene manos de jardinero, todo lo que toca crece bien.
mano para la jardinería nf
thumb a ride,
UK: thumb a lift v expr US (hitchhike) hacer dedo loc verb
(CO) pedir chance, echar dedo) loc verb
“as a lesson in chutzpah” =unusual and shocking behaviour, involving taking risks but not feeling guilty
fling – Flung…=
fling vtr (throw) tirar, lanzar ⇒ vtr
arrojar⇒ vtr
“Take Me to Church is indeed a remarkable song – a vibrant, lusty composition that showcases not only the hue of Hozier’s voice but also the heft of his songwriting”.
Fling flung vi arrojar echar
showcase [sth] vtr figurative (show to advantage) (figurado)
resaltar⇒ vtr
HEFT … of his songwriting
heft n (weight or bulk)=peso
MUDDLED= “what at first glance appears to be a song of simple love becomes something more muddled
muddled adj (mixed up, unclear) confuso/a adj
liado/a adj / embrollado adj / embarullado adj
muddled adj (person: confused) (persona) confundido adj
MOB = “following the pursuit of a young gay couple by an angry mob”
mob n (crowd of people) multitud nf / muchedumbre nf
PURSUIT = n (search) persecución nf / búsqueda nf
We are all engaged in the pursuit of happiness.
pursuit n (chase) persecución / nf caza nf