1. Human Rights


Fragment from the film This Land Is Mine by Jean Renour
See article in Making of Nº 69 by Juan Antoni Rivera pages 6-14


Read the article fron the megazine WIRE (see link nine lines below) to SALIL SHETTY. He speaks from experience when he says that ordinary people can make a real difference when they organize and raise their voices. He joined Amnesty International as the new Secretary General. He talks to WIRE about the challenges ahead.

Could you relate the situation about the nomads from the film “The Story of the Weeping Camel” to the nomads from Tibet?
To know a bit more about the situation of the nomads and Tibet, watch parts of the following film and read about the present situation of the director in an article from THE WIRE, the AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL megazine in English.

LEAVING FEAR BEHIND by Dhondup Wangchen (about the situation in Tibet, 25minutes)

The Story of the Weeping Camel

The Story of the Weeping Camel is an enchanting film that follows the adventures of a family of herders in Mongolia’s Gobi region who face a crisis when the mother camel unexpectedly rejects her newborn calf after a particularly difficult birth. Uniquely composed of equal parts reality, drama, and magic, this film is a window into a different way of life and the universal terrain of the heart.
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

Part 8
part 9

About Miguel Santos de Vega

Profesor de inglés en IES. Navarro Villoslada, Pamplona.
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